Author: Rena Surana-Nirula

  • Bittersweet Goodbyes

    Perhaps one of the most memorable moments for me on this trip was when we were leaving. Trust me, I don’t mean it in a bad way….

    Through out the day, family members came over to spend time with us before we had to leave. Visits began early and continued through out the day. Multiple family members came to the airport to see us off. They stood outside watching us until we were finished with checking in and seeing our bags off. They stayed and watched until they knew we were okay and off to security.

    For the first time, the kids got to experience what we did multiple times while growing up. They felt the warmth, sincerity and unconditional love from so many people. Simmi was in awe of how many people came to see us off. Gagan and I were feeling super blessed that family came from out of town just to spend a few hours with us.

    It was a bittersweet see-off. Wonderful memories and new relationships formed – especially for the kids. So blessed the kids had the opportunity to experience India and family and finally understand what we always talk about. AND they now know what we mean by “it smells just like India”!!

  • Jam

    I have learned the meaning of this word all too much in the past two days. Indore is riddled with “jam” everywhere. Getting from point a to point b has become near impossible by car, auto, 2-wheeler and even foot.

    Jams being caused by anticipated arrival of politicians, religious functions, construction…. Apparently the population of Indore when from 1,000,000 14 years ago to 4,000,000 today.

    We have lost so much time sitting in traffic, making u-turns, purposefully going the wrong way against oncoming traffic, etc. It has been entertaining listening to our auto drivers screaming instructions to everyone.

    This is not the Indore I remember. It’s too scary to walk on the roads – 7 of us walked single filed while dodging traffic yesterday. Note to future travelers – add 2 hours to every visit/errand you plan to do just for traffic.

  • People

    Hard to believe our Nepal-India touring is done. Sadly we are leaving Goa for our last few days in Indore before heading home.

    We have visited many places, seen many sights and met many incredible people along the way. People who have shown kindness, humility and graciousness in their own ways. People I hope to remember for many years.

    I won’t forget the Soaltee Kathmandu dining staff who actually did a farewell for us before leaving – cake with a message wishing us a safe journey. The Soaltee Nagarkot staff who were so helpful in helping us get medical care.

    In Amritsar, Chef Mani was very generous with his food knowledge. He also me the secret to his incredibly yummy Amritsari Chole. We are connected on WhatsApp and he’s offered to help with any food questions we have in the future. One of his staff members, Dipali, packed us fruits and snacks for our travels.

    At the Golden Temple, I will remember the kind children who were asked to give up their spots for Jeet and me to do seva. They patiently waited and told me to take my time.

    In Goa, we became friends with some of the servers – Debashish and Suraj in particular. At times, they work 20 days continuously without any time off. Both jokingly said they would come to the US and visit us. I said absolutely and gave them my phone number – I don’t think they expected that.

    On the hotel beach, a group of ladies were selling fresh coconut water, other fruits and offering massages. We bought coconut water from them at 6 pm and they said it was their first sale of the day. Jeet and I told them we would be back. The next morning we walked to the beach and they saw us from far away and started waving. We bought 5 more coconuts from them and they were so thankful and happy to have made a sale in the morning.

    All of our drivers and guides were so kind and generous with their time. Our last driver in Goa, Isaac, drove 20 minutes back to the Goa airport to deliver Simmi’s purse she left on our rented bus. He didn’t need to do that by any means, but he did it without any hesitation.

    I won’t forget the lady simmi and I met in a street side shop selling clothes in Goa. We were chatting and she told us her daily routine. Very rigorous and no breaks – day starts at 7 am and goes on until 2 am. I didn’t bargain with her – as long as she continued to educate her children. She promised to and then told us all about her three children and their interests.

    We meet so many people along the way in life – some leave a lasting impression. I am thankful to have met so many of those people on our journey.

  • Day 2 – Rena’s Perspective

    What a full day! Nepal is truly a gem in many ways. Our guide called Nepal a melting pot – and it really is. There are descendants from the natives or “Newar”, China, India, Tibet and more. There are distinct facial features of different lineage.

    We’ve noticed Nepali people are very modest and friendly all around. The rich and not-so-rich live in the same areas. Women are highly regarded and considered equals (or as our guide said, women importance is 51% and male is 49% 😊) – thus making women safe and comfortable overall.

    Juxtapositions are everywhere! Ancient history blended in with modern day amenities all around. At one second we are crossing a traffic filled road lined with all types of shops, and the next, we walk into an ancient stupa or temple.

    One of the most interesting things I have learned is how earthquakes have hit Nepal regularly throughout history. Many of the sites we have seen have been partially destroyed by various earthquakes at some point or the other. Countries around the world have helped restore specific structures. Norway, Austria, Tibet are some of these countries.

    Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2025! Here are some pictures from my camera:

  • Welcome to Kathmandu

    A wonderful day to a wonderful night! So happy Gagan was able to come back to Kathmandu finally and show us his old stomping grounds. Watching Gagan take it all in made my day.

    We had a nice rooftop dinner (brrrr) and came back to the hotel to find live music under the stars. The singer was amazing and seemed to know my playlist because he sang all of my favorites.

    If you look carefully, you can see the snowy peak of the Himalayas in one of the pics.

  • USA in India

    The Commanders are stalling our transfer to the flight to Kathmandu 😂

  • Phoenix Mall Outing

    What an experience! Went to Phoenix mall and it did not disappoint. This mall is supposed to be the best in all of MP. So many international stores and restaurants. Lots of name brands from India as well.

    Waited 14 long years to have the Haldiram chili potatoes – just as good as I remembered!

  • Touchdown!

    After more than 40 hours, we reached home. Everyone struggled but managed to stay awake until tonight. Pics from Indore airport:

  • Finally – flight #3 of 3

    Boarded and ready to fly to Indore – finally!

  • Flight #2 of 3

    After a 12 hour layover in London (and crashing in the AmEx Lounge), we are boarded for Delhi! It has been 23 hours since we left silver spring. Still have an 8 hr flight, 5 hours layover and another 2 hour flight…..

  • IT Support

    WordPress/blog tool lessons at the gate.

  • Is it really happening?

    1 hour before we board! Reality still hasn’t set in entirely. It’s been so long since we have travelled like this – packing for India, long long flights, long layovers, 30+ hours to reach our first destination….. so much has changed and so much hasn’t.

    Gagan and Jeet are most concerned about being able to stream the Steelers game on the flight (I don’t think it’s gonna happen! 😬)