Category: Indore

  • Ready to Return

    …and from the looks of it, we’re bringing half of India back with us.

  • Traffic Jam of Traffic Jams

    On our way back from shopping, we got swallowed up in a jam so thick, you’d have thought a Smucker’s 18-wheeler jackknifed and spilled its guts everywhere.

    Our cab stuck in the middle of an intersection with no escape route in any direction. The best you can do is centimeter along (India uses the metric system after all) and honk to pretend like it’s doing something.

  • More of Indore, Galore

    Traffic Cop Mostly Watching
    Napping Before the Rigor of Shopping
    Letter E Found!
    Dried Goods
    Street Foods
    Shopping for Men’s Suits
    Hung Fabric Goods
    Mule Took a Break So G Stepped In
    Motorcycles Rule
    Women’s Tops for Sale
    Dark (But Safe) Alley
    Well Traveled
    Surana Shop for Condiments and Snacks
    And More
    Bangles for Sale
    A Local Helping Another Local Load
  • Driveway of Vimla Bua’s House

    View from house looking at driveway into access road
    Pretty sight along the driveway
    Building blocks across from driveway
    Gagan posing for his new album cover of “Lost and Confused“, his first solo release in years. 95% discount if you use code AINTGOTACLUE.
    Tourists….you can spot ‘em from a mile, er, street away.

  • Phoenix Mall Outing

    What an experience! Went to Phoenix mall and it did not disappoint. This mall is supposed to be the best in all of MP. So many international stores and restaurants. Lots of name brands from India as well.

    Waited 14 long years to have the Haldiram chili potatoes – just as good as I remembered!

  • Rainy Morning in Indore

    Relaxing and chill start to the day with chai while listening to the rain 🙂 Apparently having 2 rounds of breakfast everyday is something I need to get used to now – chai and toast first, then something else a little bit after (my stomach is going to explode). But not complaining, can’t be an Indore trip without jalebi!

  • These Jeans Feel Tight…

    …because we’re eating two breakfasts, including jalebis and samosas. And heading out soon to eat more lunch. Imma need to climb Everest to drop these pounds.

    Photo credit: Jeet
  • Day 1 in Indore

    Most of us got a solid night’s sleep, which was SO needed and are spending the day visiting family and eating WAY too much. What we thought was breakfast (toast, chai) was actually an appetizer. And two hours later, we enjoyed an amazing lunch.

    And while waiting to leave, we had a fun photo session outside the house.