I have learned the meaning of this word all too much in the past two days. Indore is riddled with “jam” everywhere. Getting from point a to point b has become near impossible by car, auto, 2-wheeler and even foot.
Jams being caused by anticipated arrival of politicians, religious functions, construction…. Apparently the population of Indore when from 1,000,000 14 years ago to 4,000,000 today.
We have lost so much time sitting in traffic, making u-turns, purposefully going the wrong way against oncoming traffic, etc. It has been entertaining listening to our auto drivers screaming instructions to everyone.
This is not the Indore I remember. It’s too scary to walk on the roads – 7 of us walked single filed while dodging traffic yesterday. Note to future travelers – add 2 hours to every visit/errand you plan to do just for traffic.