Nepal Days 1 and 2–Nikki’s perspective

Words that come to mind when I think about my experience in Nepal these 2 days.

Hospitality beyond expectation—whether it is from the hotel staff, our amazing guide, the driver, restaurant staff, shopkeepers or countless others—so much positive energy, that one cannot help but return that positivity to the universe. The standard greeting is Namaste.

Hospitality: Greetings from our driver upon our arrival
Greetings from our driver upon our arrival
Greetings from our driver upon our arrival

Energy—the energy here is permeated with positivity. One forgets negative thoughts and feelings.

Spirituality—centuries old Hindu temples and Buddhist stupas are found throughout the region along with the many followers. One will experience the frenetic energy of the Hindu temples and the calm and peace of the Buddhist temples. Either way, presence of a higher energy is inescapable. I was especially moved when we were blessed enough to experience the prayers and chanting by Buddhist monks.

Prayer flags
Prayer wheels
Lady praying at steps of a temple
Monks chanting—-surreal and otherworldly experience
Lighting candles on Jan 1 as an offering—blessings for the New Year

History—rich ancient history throughout this region (Kathmandu). The juxtaposition of ancient buildings alongside modernization. The history of Nepal has led it to become a melting pot of cultures which coexist in harmony. As a result of the influence and migration of Indians, Chinese, Aryans, Persian, Europeans and more, the natives of Nepal (Newars) are now in minority. The people of Nepal have features and appearances that are as varied as the nations that have influenced the country. The food is also reflective of this melting pot. Nepal is believed to have the best momos of all.

Momos—-soy sauce is not a typical condiment here.
Seven story temple

Equality/Respect—Nepalis worship goddesses first and foremost. Hence, women/females are highly regarded in society, and are considered the stronger and more important sex—51% vs 49%. As a result, it is a very safe nation for girls and women. Females will also be found in every line of work—military, police, flight pilots, doctors, teachers, etc. A dowry system is non-existent. All girls are sent to school for education.

Organized Chaos—crowds, traffic, animals are found throughout. Yet, it is not a nervous energy—everyone finds a way to effortlessly weave in/out to get from point A to point B. The laws in place contribute to this organized chaos—unnecessary horn blowing is against the law. As is driving faster than 55 km/hr. All drivers of 2 wheelers must wear a helmet (not sure why the passengers are not required to).

Beauty—natural beauty surrounds the area (unfortunately pollution obscures the view). Beauty of the history and ancient architecture. Beauty of the people.